Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Santa Clause

So, as we are driving to the mall to see Santa, I ask Logan what he is going to ask him for. He says, 16 1/2 presents. What????? No, honey, you need to ask him for 1 thing. (my spoiled 4 year old) OK, I'll ask him for a BIG Chick & a BIG King. So Santa says, you want a chicken & a what? NO!!!!!!!!!!! A BIG Chick & King from the movie Cars. Oh, (he holds up his hand to demonstrate a matchbox car) Now any one that knows him knows that he means a drivable car like his BIG Lightning McQueen (see old posts). So, if a chicken arrives Christmas morning know that I am definitely "re" gifting that one. Always good for a laugh around here!


Sunday, November 25, 2007

Visions of Sugarplums

Really, there is no need for a long story, the pictures tell it wonderfully, but.... We had a blast, just Logan & Mommy. OK, I will confess that I was frustrated at first, trying to make the house stand up, but after that, all went great. I did the icing & Logan, for the most part, did the decorating. Afterwards, there were four ginger bread men to decorate & eat, so I did Ron & mine, and Logan did his & Kylees. It breaks my heart that she is not here yet, but it warms my heart that Logan always remembers her. I know they will have a strong bond. He is so loving & caring. He prays for her to come to our home, every night that he says the dinner prayer. Well, anyways, wipe those tears, so that you can focus on our first gingerbread house!


Friday, November 23, 2007

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas.....

After a wonderful Thanksgiving day at my Mom's house, she had Logan spend the night so that Ron could go hunting & so that I could spend the day after shopping. I love the crazy, crowded morning of the hustle & bustle. I was at the scrapbook store by 5:40 am for the 40% off the entire store. Love it! So, when I got home it was time to decorate the house. I always seem to do it before turkey day or that weekend, anyways. I'm exhausted to say the least, but the house looks amazing. I love decorating the tree, unpacking my ornaments that I have received every year since I was born from my Grandma, and now that tradition is handed down to Logan through my Mom. Our tree is plum full as usual, plus I always seem to pick up a few here & there every year. I hope this will get you in the Holiday spirit as it did me!
...and the stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that Saint Nickolas soon would be there....

Logan's advent calendar is already to go for him!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

With a cough & a sneeze, Logan says "I'm not sick no more Mom. Can we go outside & play?" So, my wonderful hubby gets a call, asking him to come home early to play outside with our son. He is a great father. I bundled him up & out he went waiting till Daddy arrived to play.
All he has been talking about is a snowball,

and a snow angel, where you plop down, flap your arms & legs, and then get up. He explains this every time, whether you know what a snow angel is or not. Its rather cute, most of the time.

They both made snow angels, except one was dressed for it and the other wasn't....hmmmm......couldn't guess which one, could ya!

And last but not least, the snowball fight, so unfair. I can't wait to get over this flu bug to even things out!

Mail Box Surprise

As many of you know, Logan & I have been sick all weekend & now into the week, with a nasty headcold. We had our first snow day yesterday, they closed school because of no power at the church, & all my baby wants to do is go outside! So, after Ron got home last night with the mail, there was a large manilla envelope for Logan. The return address said "2" Old Super Heroes from Everett, WA. I had no idea, just my Grandparents are there & the address was not the same. About a month ago we had 2 visitors pass by for a few hours on their way home from a quick, unplanned trip, (a funeral). It was my "Aunt" Sandy & her daughter Tiffany. Her husband is my Dad's best friend & we've know them forever & have always & still called them Uncle & Aunt, anyways they sent Logan a thank you card & gift for showing them around our new home. We haven't seen them since my Brother's wedding, Logan was 17 months. It was wonderful to catch up & here all there news, & the package arrived at the perfect time to cheer up my boy. They sent a book called The Superhero Starter Kit by Chicken Socks/Klutz. Anyways there was a cape, stickers, mask etc. all to become a super hero. You made your own name, picked out your powers, & put on your gear. We had a blast turning Logan into The Flying Prince. What a great surprise from 2 dear & treasured friends, Love you Aunt Sandy & Tiffany!

Looking at the book, it is so darn cute! It even says there are books for girls like, Twirly Tutu.

Proving to Daddy that he has Super strength! POW!

Flying over the couch to save the day.

Yep, thats my PRINCE!


Sunday, November 18, 2007

I'll Follow Him in Faith

Since I wouldn't be able to take pictures on the actual Sunday that the kids performed their Primary program during Sacrament, I had to capture there 10am ice cream social rehersal practice instead. ( Don't they no that you can't say NO, to an avid scrap booker, I' mean really ) They got to wear there pjs, the idea being, just roll out of bed to make it to practice. Quite cute, don't you think?
Always next to our cutie patootie little Layney girl, as I call her.

Stephy & Mason enjoying the show, until we snuck out to hit one craft bazar. We had to, his Mommy had a table at one.

The kids did awesome. We saw my Mom later that afternoon & Logan asked her all by himself if she would come to see him sing, she did. I'm so proud that my Mom will still come to the special times, even though she doesn't agree with our choice in Churches, yet. The progam was great. The kids did perfect. Logan even got to the podium to say, "saying kind words". Its funny though, that we have had the music in the car, so he new every song inside & out, yet when he got up there he seemed to freeze. Or he was just to distracted by the fact that every one had there eyes right on them. Anyways, it was beautiful, I cried. Our Primary workers are super, especially my friend Carrie, Kudos to you! It is truly true, that there is power in song, even those basic & simple childrens songs, that just ring true.


A Real Cowboy

So, yes, I know it has been quite some time with out an update, so now I have to get you all caught up. Logan was invited to a friend's Birthday party, a cowboy birthday party to be exact. They had to dig for gold, milk a cow, barrel race, rope a steer, gather up 3 pigs, & ride a pony to be a REAL cowboy. So, you guessed it, he is a real cowboy now. What an awesome party, I highly recommend Parson's Ponies. This gal does the ponies for the arrival of Santa & Mrs. Claus at Caras Nursery every year. I think that this pony is the same one he rode last year, Frosty. We ended up going to 3 parties that day. Dylan's, I taught a scrapbooking one to Alyssa & her friends, who turned 11, & to Brayden's party at the carousel. We had a very busy but fun day partying it up!


Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween!!!!

Our little Tow Mator, so fitting for our rough & tumble all boy! It is still Cars everything. I'm sure this will sound crazy but we still get him a Halloween gift. Don't they get enough candy you say, well, yes, he does, but he doesn't eat it so..... we spoil him & always get him something. So , he got the new Meet the Robinsons DVD & a message launcher, what was I thinking!

Our first stop was to my Dad's (Papa) house, where working at a major candy retail store we are not in short supply of all the new & latest candy craze. Plus big, none of this "fun" size.

A Kodak moment as my Dad always says with a laugh!

Then off to the UM Food Zoo because Grandma was at work. This is the first Halloween that she kind of had to miss, but we surprized her any ways. Then we went to a friend's house for a party/dinner of sorts with five families, then trick or treating. Logan had a blast! The only way I could keep up was by watching his ghost light from his hook, I at least could pick him out of all of the other kids.

His loot! Means more calories for me, but at least we ran out of ours that we handed out, so it helps, right? I hope your Halloween turned out happy a safe. BOO! to you all!

Halloween Party at Pre School!

What a great teacher & class that Logan has. His first Halloween party was a success. I loved that most of the girls were fairies or princesses & the boys, well we had a great mixture of coustumes. They made trick or treat bags the day before & went around the church class rooms for candy. They were adorable.
back row: Adam, Andrew, Brodie, Maddie, & Sierra
front row: Carli, Jake, Sophia, Chase, Hailey, Adam, & front & center my little mator, Logan

Trick or Treating with Mrs. Dr. Judan! The moms handed out the treats.

A Snack time Feast!

Playing a game of musical pumpkins where they all got glow in the dark braclets.

Playing outside after the party. The kids did so good & it just got them warmed up for the actual night. The weather was absolutely perfect, a gorgeous fall day!